"Transforming souls to live in The New Earth."
"Transformando almas para vivir en La Nueva Tierra."

Welcome to CHIEC-ECO.Alitas!
Step into a world of transformation and healing with CHIEC-ECO.Alitas, where holistic wellness embraces your entire being. We are here to help you rediscover your essence, guiding you toward deep healing and harmony within your body, mind, soul, and spirit. We support your journey of self-reconnection and fulfillment through our nurturing environment, personalized coaching, classes, camps, retreats, soothing meditations, and powerful therapeutic sessions.
Your journey is as unique as yours, so we design personalized Action Plans that align with your specific goals and aspirations. Through our renowned Integral Holistic Consultation TEC-LSR, KRYSTAL & CRISTIC Reiki, and MELQUISEDEC Reiki, we help unlock your true potential and guide you toward the life you’ve always dreamed of.
Coaching for Kids, Adolescents, Young Adults, and Families:
We deeply understand children, adolescents, and young adults' unique needs. We have created coaching programs, classes, and camps that nurture emotional intelligence, reprogram limiting beliefs, enhance self-awareness, and encourage mindful practices. We also offer family-focused coaching programs that unite everyone on the healing journey, fostering more profound understanding, mutual respect, and shared growth. We believe that families are the heart of transformation, and we are committed to helping you and your loved ones thrive as a united force.
For detailed information, click here:
Coaching for Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-Being:
We offer coaching programs tailored to your unique needs, guiding you on a transformative path toward physical vitality, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Whether you seek to improve your fitness, build mental resilience, or heal emotional wounds, we are here to help you flourish. We empower you to embrace joy and peace as your natural state, paving the way for long-lasting happiness.
For more information, click here:
Specialized courses to become an Angelic Life Coach:
Our vibrant community also offers a range of courses for all ages, ensuring that you will find support, healing, and inspiration within our nurturing space no matter where you are on your path.
Click here for more information:
Join the CHIEC-ECO.Alitas Family:
We are more than just a coaching program—we are a loving community.
At CHIEC-ECO.Alitas, you, your family, and your friends will find a welcoming environment where we co-create an incredible joy, healing, and growth space together. Let’s embark on this beautiful journey of holistic wellness hand in hand!
See our menu of services:
Dueña y conductora de este Centro Holístico:
la Maestra Zoly Sananda
Owner and manager of this Holistic Center:
Zoly Master Sananda
Para mayor información, precios de servicios, o para hacer una cita, contacte:
For more information, pricing of services, or to make an appointment, contact:
Tel: (+1) 813-362-2085
Email: CHIEC.ECO.Alitas@gmail.com
Facebook: CHIEC-ECO.Alitas
Instagram: @chiec-eco.alitas
TikTok: @chiec-eco
LinkedIn: Alexandra Morales
YouTube: Zolemgeh Estrella Meditations
We are located in the greater Flagstaff and Sedona area. (Arizona)
Hours of Opertaion:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Saturday by appointment
Eventos / Events
Testimonios / Testimonies
I want to express my gratitude for the wonderful experience my daughter and I had with the coaching and the healing. During this time, we both learned to meditate and take more control over our actions. Ángela y Sophia (Miami, FL)
Quiero expresar mi gratitud por la maravillosa experiencia que tuvimos mi hija y yo con el coaching y la sanación. Durante este tiempo, ambas aprendimos a meditar y a tener más control sobre nuestras acciones. Ángela y Sophia (Miami, FL)
At the end of the coaching, it was like a door to many possibilities opened up for me, helping me organize myself and truly let things flow, decree, and release. Learning to cut ties, reprogram ourselves, and meditate daily is lovely and relaxing. Laura C. (Riverview, FL).
Al final del coaching, fue como si una puerta a muchas posibilidades se abriera para mí, ayudándome a organizarme y realmente dejar que las cosas fluyan, decretar y liberar. Aprender a cortar ataduras, reprogramarnos y meditar diariamente es encantador y relajante. Laura (Riverview, FL).
Thank you! I am blessed and grateful for giving me the opportunity to clarify what my heart tells me to do and practice, to become aware, to learn to decree, resign, and reprogram myself, for all the beautiful meditations, and for motivating me to overcome my fears. Andreina, Phoenix, AZ
¡Gracias! Estoy bendecida y agradecida por darme la oportunidad de aclarar lo que mi corazón me dice que haga y practique, de tomar conciencia, de aprender a decretar, renunciar y reprogramarme, por todas las hermosas meditaciones y por motivarme a superar mis miedos. Andreina, Phoenix, AZ
My experience in the Reiki workshop for children was highly superior; my son Jose N. participated and was delighted; he felt very happy; he said that his teachers are very charming, and the energy felt was sublime; it was peace. It was like a fairy tale. I thank Father-Mother God for coming to the formation of Master Zol and having such powerful tools that allow us to fulfill our mission to the fullest. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Thank you, Alexandra. God continues to bless you! Mariely M. and Jose N. (8 years old), Ecuador.
Mi experiencia en el taller de Reiki para niños fue Supremamente Superior, mi hijo José N. participó y quedó encantado, se sintió muy contento, dice que sus maestras son muy encantadoras, la energía que se sentía era Sublime, era paz. Era como de cuento de hadas. Le doy Gracias A Dios Padre y Madre por llegar a la Formación de la Maestra Zol y Tener estas herramientas tan Poderosas, que nos permite cumplir nuestra misión a cabalidad. Gracias Gracias Gracias Alexandra. Dios tes continue Bendiciendo! Mariely M. y Jose N.8 años), Ecuador
Profe Alexandra...I am very happy and grateful for the beautiful experience that my daughter Miranda Cristina had... I was delighted to see her happy and enjoying the KRYSTAL Reiki course with you. I placidly observed how she expressed herself in the exercises presented to her, how she faced the energy management, and how she felt throughout the course. Thank you very much for giving us the tools to manage our energy efficiently. Once again, thank you, and a thousand thanks to my cousin Lucina Oliveros Rojas for inviting us and giving this beautiful workshop to my daughter Miranda Cristina. Greetings! Josefina Lucena Rojas y Miranda (7 years old), Venezuela ☘️
Profe Alexandra.... muy feliz y agradecida por tan bella experiencia que vivió mi hija Miranda Cristina.... me encantó verla contenta y disfrutando del curso de Reiki junto a ustedes donde observé plácidamente cómo se expresaba en los ejercicios que le presentaban, cómo enfrentó el manejo de la energía y sobre todo cómo se sintió a lo largo del curso. Les abrazo y agradezco enormemente nos hayan dado herramientas para el buen manejo de la energía. Una vez más gracias, mil gracias extensivas a mi prima Lucina Oliveros Rojas por habernos invitado y haberle obsequiado este hermoso taller a mi hija Miranda Cristina. Saludos. Josefina Lucena Rojas y Miranda (7años), Venezuela ☘️