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What is TEC Club?

The TEC Club is a Personalized Program where the participant will receive Comprehensive Holistic Therapies with The Creator - TEC, obtaining Balance  in all its areas, improving its processes and achieving excellent projects.

A coach specialized in the Program will take you by the hand so that you can organize your life, strengthen yourself and get the best out of what you propose, achieving INFINITE SUCCESSES in your life; since, it will have a guided counsel, by professionals prepared in Comprehensive Holistic Therapies and Consultations and Healings at advanced levels.

Benefits we offer:

  • An Integral Holistic Therapy TEC of 2 hours.

  • The healings you require, at a distance.

  • Energetic cleansing, alignment and closure of the aura.

  • Attendance at the Healing Circles, during the treatment.


TEC logo

Why are TECs so effective?

The Powerful Comprehensive Holistic Therapies TEC are the best way we have to know how we are inside. It is an interior photograph of the recipient person and was created to cleanse, heal and reprogram your Being in all areas of your life; as well as, to develop your spirituality by raising your levels of Consciousness and in this way, obtaining Wisdom so that you achieve success in any area or project where you develop.

Explanation of some of the applied therapies:
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Integral Holistic Therapies TEC

The Holistic Integral Therapies TEC works in any area, process or project that the person has a weakness and wants to strengthen, heal or balance; to keep vibrating high and flowing in: health, love, fixing a dysfunctional relationship, having a successful divorce, freeing yourself from ancestral family burdens, promoting a new project, increasing wealth in various areas, unloading or unlocking, etc.


The Integral Holistic Therapies TEC works in all the archives that we have in our body, being considered the only Holistic Therapy that can work directly with them; cleaning, healing and reprogramming traumatic experiences, emotions and any situation known or unknown, that we remember or not and that we want to heal from the root. After cleaning, healing and reprogramming these files, it is difficult for a person to carry on with these vicissitudes, situations, locks, schedules, loads and the like.


The Cosmic Healings work together with the Integral Holistic Therapies TEC, since, once the root for which the receiver accepted to have these vicissitudes, blockages, programs and the like has been cleaned, healed and reprogrammed, the Help of Doctors from Heaven is required. These enter the organs, systems, glands, cells and molecules of the recipient persons, healing them completely and in turn, healing any sign of unhealth in the recipient. These Healings are Miraculous and the Testimonies confirm it.


The Holistic Integral Therapies TEC and Cosmic Healings were channeled by the Angelic Master Life Coach Zolemgeh Estrella more than 22 years ago, obtaining a range of testimonies from more than 22,000 satisfied people and with a magnificent accumulated experience that show how powerful, fast and effective these two wonderful techniques are; which have been designed to HEAL any area of ​​the life of the participant-recipient, with the Angelic Help and the Doctors from Heaven, achieving EXCELLENCE in all the processes they are involved in, so that they feel satisfied with their goals and with the life you have chosen to live.


We invite you to witness this magical experience.

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Additionally, we offer you unlimited participation in our

Healing Circles

 In all cases, we use the Miami, Florida - USA time.

For the duration of the treatment.


First Sunday
of the month
in Spanish


Second Sunday
of the month
in English


Third Sunday
of the month
in Spanish


Fourth Sunday
of the month
in English


Domingo del mes
en Español


Domingo del mes



Domingo del mes

en Español


Domingo del mes

Domingo del mes
en Español


Domingo del mes



Domingo del mes

en Español


Domingo del mes

Domingo del mes
en Español


Domingo del mes



Domingo del mes

en Español


Domingo del mes

Domingo del mes
en Español


Domingo del mes



Domingo del mes

en Español


Domingo del mes

How does the Club work?

The steps to register in the TEC Club are:

1. Fill out the Form that we have attached below, in the Registration button.


2. Choose the Therapist that best suits your requirements or, let us choose for you.


3. Make the payment, using PayPal, Credit or Debit Card.


4. The chosen Therapist will contact you shortly, meet with you and help you with your requirements.


5. The duration of each Therapy is 2 hours; Additionally, you will have the Healings you require for the best development of your Health, Harmony, Prosperity, Abundance, Professionalism, Couple, Family, Work Relationships, Self-confidence, Projects, Goals or in any area that you want to improve.


6. You can choose Plans of 2 or 3 Holistic Therapies, so that you save money in finding Excellence in the areas of your life. Normally, there is an average of 3 Holistic Therapies per participant, for a better performance of their goals and projects; as well as their health and relationships.

We all deserve to be SUCCESSFUL! Pick it and you will be too.!

Enroll and choose your Therapist

You can choose your Integral Holistic Therapist or relax and let us choose for you after a detailed analysis of your requirements.

NOTE: For the purposes of the TEC Club, Master Zolemgeh Estrella is not included, if you want to choose her click here.

Yoga at Home

Choose plans of 1 to 3 Holistic Therapies

It will depend on your particular situation if you require more than one Integral Holistic Therapy. Take advantage of the discount.

VALOR: $225.00

Valor: $675.00

VALOR: $225.00

PRICE: $224.00

PRICE: $675.00

1 therapy background

PRICE: $224.00

2 hours of counselling to improve your health, your relationships and have abundance in your different areas and projects, by an Advisor (Coach) specialized in Holistic Holistic Therapies TEC.

2 therapy background

Promotion offer:


4 hours of counselling to improve your health, your relationships and have abundance in your different areas and projects, by an Advisor (Coach) specialized in Comprehensive Holistic Therapies TEC.

3 therapy background

PRICE: $675.00

Promotion offer:


6 hours of advice to improve your health, your relationships and have abundance in your different areas and projects, by an Advisor (Coach) specialized in Comprehensive Holistic Therapies TEC.

VALOR: $450.00

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